Events & Programs
All of these events
All of these programs
come from my heart to yours.
They have been created with the intention of connecting you even more to your inner light, so that you may radiate in this world.
Free Events
Whether it is a live webinar, a 7 day challenge or a pre-recorded event, all of my free experiences will be here.
If you are interested in adding some tools to your tool box of personal growth or interested in dipping your toes in certain areas then this is for you! Click on the photo below to go to the Free events page!
Invest In Yourself Programs
Here you will find all of the upcoming programs I am offering. Whether they are additional challenges with 1-1 support or group programs you can catch it all here. Click on the photo below to check out which programs you can invest in yourself in.
Thursday Tickles
Every Thursday I tickle you with information on personal expansion.
These videos range from 5-10 minutes and are recorded LIVE on my social media platforms... whew that sounds so techy! You can choose to go to my Facebook page or my Instagram page to see the tickling replays!